Monday, January 02, 2006

A new year, a new blog

Well, it's 2006 and I just finished my first workout of the new year. This blog is going to be an online rant, journal, and map of my journey to try to get healthy. I spent quite a bit of time last year trying to grapple with myself and get motivated to work out. Once in a while I actually succeeded, but not for long. I am going to be a lot harder on myself this time. I doubt I'll actually lose weight, but I can still be healthier. I can get more flexible, build more stamina so I'm not panting walking just a couple blocks, and maybe staunch the pain that has started flaring up in my lower back when I'm standing or walking for too long.
So here's where I stand right now:
  • I'm over 200 LBS
  • My ribcage practically sits on my hips
  • I have very little flexibility...I can't even touch my toes straight-legged
  • I have very little stamina and I'm coughing a lot (but that might be a separate issue.)

This is how I am planning on working out each week:

  • M-F 6:30AM-6:45AM Bellydance practice
  • MWF 4-5PM Strength training workout (Weights II video featuring Francesca Gern)
  • T TH 4-4:30PM Yoga workout (featuring a selection of yoga videos)
  • TH 6:30-7:30 PM Bellydance class

So there you have it. A fairly well-balanced routine that features cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts.

As for the battle with food, I'm going to wait until I get the workout routine down before fighting with food. For the most part, I'm going to try to focus on a Mediterranean/Asian diet. For guidance I'm going to use this website: .

I'm hoping that this blog will help me and if it helps others, then maybe that'll help me just by knowing I'm doing something useful for others.


At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you the very best of luck! :)

At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck - maybe you'll inspire to me to greater fitness, too - TAlaxandra (from DTMWSIMB)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger darthlaurie said...

Thank you both for your comments! Feel free to post your own experiences!

At 6:14 AM, Blogger emily pound said...


Your workout routine sounds great. I started working with a personal trainer a couple of months ago and I'm doing the same thing, strength training 3 days/week, cardio the other 2, flip them around. I really feel a difference already with the weight training. I feel much stronger and more in control of my body.

Good luck and all the best! I'm sharing the struggle with you!


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