A little about me
Since you don't know me from any other cyber-personality, here are a few things about me. Don't worry, I'll keep it relatively pg-13 rated.First off, I'm a fat gal. That's probably the first thing you'd notice if you met me in person. Fat with thin, straight blonde hair, glasses and eyes that are somewhere between hazel and brown. I'm fairly non-descript.The next thing you'd notice is that I bounce when I'm happy, hence, my friends gave me the nickname Bouncy. You would probably notice I like to laugh, listen to dirty stories, have a pirate fetish, and I love good food.
Here are a few other things: I've been taking bellydance classes for about eighteen months. In spite of having no sense of rhythm and being tone deaf, I enjoy it quite a bit. I've been happily involved with my beloved Craig since 2003. I still mourn for my other beloved, Kim, who died April 11, 2001. These two men have changed my life for the better and each one has taught me lessons about living life to the fullest. I'm an artistic person with a short attention span. Writing, reading, knitting, sewing, jewelry making, drawing with oil pastels, are all endeavors I love to explore, even though I'm not all that good at most of them. I also love to learn and have a tendency to get bored easily if I'm not in some sort of class. I was an excellent student in college.
As for some of my weaknesses: I love to eat, and not in moderation. Sometimes I tend to binge. I lack self confidence and my self esteem is in the toilet right now. I have an extremely hard time getting motivated to do anything. These are some of the reasons why I end up talking badly about myself. Did I mention I'm extremely insecure? I also have no sense of style because I'd prefer to be comfortable. I have a huge butt. On the plus side, I actually have decent boobs. In fact, that's the one thing that will totally depress me if I end up losing weight: I'll end up flat-chested again. I wish I could move some of my butt fat and tummy fat up into my chest.
So there you have it. Me in a nutshell.
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