Well, last week I had a major setback on my road to becoming healthy. Last Saturday I noticed that the cough I have had for months was a lot worse. I slept most of Sunday and Monday and I simply had a hard time breathing.I finally got in to the doctor on Wednesday. I was worried I had pneumonia. Apparently, that isn't the case. I have a sinus infection that has drained into my chest. My head didn't even hurt until a couple days ago! I'm now on an antibiotic and I'm taking a boatload of guaifenesin, the main ingredient in Mucinex and something that's supposed to help loosen up the garbage in my chest and head.
All the exercise I did last week (besides climbing up the stairs to my apartment) was go to my dance class. I was hacking a lot, but somehow survived the class. I'm going to do weights today, but I think for the most part I'm going to stick with lighter workouts until my lungs aren't so congested.
I also had the return of some nasty neck and shoulder pain that I suspect is work-related. It is not healthy to be sitting at a desk eight hours a day with your head turned slightly to the side. I also think that being sick has also aggravated the pain. I am making some adjustments to my work station and they seem to be helping as well.
I haven't been eating well. I've been so sick that even nuking things has required more energy than I can muster. On the bright side of things, I am starting to feel better and I think I'll actually be able to make a comeback this week! The hard part is getting back into the routine again. Motivation is NOT my strong point, but I need to do this to keep the old heart pumping.
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