Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Weight training

I love weights. Let me be more specific. I love my dumbbells. Weight training is a great workout. It builds muscles, helps your heart, and protects your bones from the effects of osteoporosis. If you're looking for a quicker way to lose inches, this is the way to go.
When I was in high school, I hated weights. I hated exercise in general, especially running. Some things don't change.
A couple years ago when I was getting in shape for the first time in my life, I stumbled on a video called 10 minute solution. That was my introduction to fitness, and IMHO a pretty good place to start. For those curious, here's a link to the dvd version on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005R24O/qid=1138124171/sr=1-4/ref=sr_1_4/104-2162042-7299900?v=glance&s=dvd
I saw a section of the new show (new at the time) Ultimate Makeover or something like that and in six weeks' time with the help of a personal trainer, some gal's body was transformed through body sculpting, exercise, and diet.
Well, naturally, I couldn't afford that sort of attention. I plugged in the term body sculpting in Yahoo and sooner or later came up with the video fitness website. Video Fitness is a great place to go before you start shopping for exercise videos. http://www.videofitness.com/
Now, there are lots and lots of body sculpting and weight training videos out there. If you have one that you like, feel free to post a link and tell us why you like it. I happened to find a video with the unassuming title of "Weights II" and after reading the review, I bought a copy. The video is very unassuming. There is absolutely no airbrushing, no peppy blondes in skimpy outfits, and no beaches or fancy gymn. Francesca Gern is the instructor and she is a no-nonsense but friendly enough gal with a well-toned body. She knows her stuff. She wants you to stay hydrated during the workout and she even drinks from her water bottle! All you need are a couple sets of dumbbells and a towel and exercise band and an hour you can devote every other day, or three times a week.
If you know nothing about weights, you might want her first video, but I did just fine starting off with her second video. Just use lighter weights. http://www.flexcity.com/store/productdet.asp?ProductCode=33 is the link for this video and a couple of her other ones.
Here are a few tips I've learned about working out with weights:
1. Keep your abs tight when doing any lifting exercises.
2. Good posture is essential if you don't want to hurt yourself.
3. Keep shoulders rolled back and away from your ears.
4. Different parts of the body can handle different amounts of weight.
5. If you can't do an exercise properly, you need to use lighter weights, even if it means using only 1lb. weights.
6. Stay hydrated!
7. Don't overdo it! Every other day is the most you should weight train. Your muscles need time off to repair and rest.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I always felt better about myself when I did weights. When I did them I felt I lost more weight then from running. I was really surprised. I hope that more people look into using weights when they are working out. http://www.fortefitness.com/orlando-personal-training/


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