Soooooooo We're in April now
Wow...I can't believe people are reading this blog! I've kind of let it die like my fantastic get healthy plan! Well...I guess I need to reassess things a bit.I've been so busy with other things lately (major creative energy), that I feel my time is better spent doing that than exercising.
So what am I going to do?
Put weights sort of on the back burner.
I fashioned a belly dance hip belt out of some chain I had laying around. It weighs around 8 pounds. One of the belly dance gurus online sells weighted hip scarves for around fifty + bucks. Needless to say, I don't have that kind of money! Supposedly, adding weights like this will help tone and improve various dance movements. When I practice at home, I'll strap that puppy on and shimmy a lot and pretend I'm old Jacob Marley...I sure feel like that with all the clanking chain!
I'm also really, tempted to get Yoga for Round Bodies. Flexibility is something that would help me out a lot in my dancing...and other more interesting aspects of my life;)
Another thing I'm going to attempt to do is get my mini trampoline out and start bouncing again. Some people think it helps the lymphatic system. I just think that bouncing is a joyful, spiritual expression we somehow lose sight of as we get older. I bounce fairly regularly, just not on my mini trampoline (oh and the new term for it is rebounding).
Maybe I'll have to post about why I bounce on this blog.
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